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Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Pinterest Discovery!

I am an avid pinner on Pinterest and recently I got bored with going to the humor section and Disney stuff all the time and decided to branch out. NOTE: Do not be alarmed I will never completely stop looking up Disney pins because let's face it, they're awesome. Anyways my blogger friend Amelia really inspired me to look at the Art section and I've discovered, I really love art. I was scrolling about and I came across this one painter who has me truly in awe. Loui Jover, the painter of the works I am about to share with you really captured my attention. I love his paintings because they are so glamorous and fierce! I also really find it compelling that he paints against book pages or even sheet music if the themes coincide. These are just some of his paintings but you can find more of his work on my Pinterest page! You can find my link to the right of the page.

Saatchi Online Artist Loui Jover; Drawing, "undine" #art

Saatchi Online Artist: Sara Riches; Pen and Ink, 2013, Drawing "Let the Music Play"

Saatchi Art Artist Loui Jover; Drawing, "flash" #art

Saatchi Art Artist Loui Jover; Drawing, "baby blue" #art

Saatchi Online Artist Loui Jover; Drawing, "november rain" #art

Art is something that inspires me, and moves me, What moves you? Is it music? A sport you play? Looking at nature?  Tell me in the comments below

<3 Stay Fabulous <3

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