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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Relieving Stress

I think to be fabulous, you must not just be fabulous on the outside, but also within. In our busy society there is barely any time anymore to lounge around and relax. Saying this it is most likely that all of us, at one point, have experienced high stress and anxiety. I, especially during the school year, get very anxious and stressed to the point where sometimes I just feel trapped and need to escape.
If you're like me and need some stress relief or would just like to spend a " Me Day" ( which I highly recommend) I have gathered some tips and tricks on how to let the problems go.

Take a Hot Bath:
There is nothing better than a nice long hot bath when you're feeling stressed. All you need to do is flick off the lights, light some candles, add some bubbles and you're good to go. While you're in the bath you could read a book or listen to some soothing music.

Eat Some Chocolate:
I believe chocolate is God's gift to girls. I don't know what it is about chocolate but when I'm stressed it's like the world's best medicine! My favorite type of chocolate is dark chocolate. A lot of people don't like dark chocolate due to its bitter taste, however I enjoy it.

Get Outside:
The power of the outdoors is an amazing thing, especially in the summer. You're filled with a sense of life and serenity and peace. Do something physically exerting. THis way you feel like you're accomplishing something, which in turn will decrease your stress. You could ride your bike, go for a jog, or walk down to the local ice cream shop ( yet another thing I believe decreases stress).

Binge Watch Some Netflix:
I've come to realize that getting involved in other peoples drama ,that won't really affect your life, really gets you out of your head. You may suffer from a major heartbreak when all the season's of your favorite show ends, but the high is good while it lasts.

<3 Stay Fabulous <3
All the pictures I used in this post:


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