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Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Prevention of Cake Face

Foundation, it can be a life saver to the acne prone or it can be the ultimate enemy. If applied wrong it can look streaky or it can look like you're wearing a mask. And we can not forget the ultimate catastrophe of Cake Face, putting way too much foundation on and not blending it in. Makeup is a tricky thing, if applied correctly it can be stunning and beautiful. However if not applied right it can look, well, trashy. This can be prevented with this amazing product called " The Beauty Blender".

This revolutionary product is made so foundation blends into your skin instead of sitting on top of it like a mask. It's soft, spongy, and super easy to use. I love this product so much.

At first I wasn't that impressed, until one day I lost it. I started using my regular products and everything was fine. When I found it and started using it again I loved it to pieces. It blended my makeup so flawlessly and made me feel a lot more confident about how my makeup looked.

For more information go to :

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