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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Middle School Advice!

Hey Everyone,

I realized a terrible fact today. I ONLY HAVE TEN DAYS LEFT BEFORE SCHOOL! Where did the time go :( Sure I like dressing up for school and meeting new people but, but, I DONT WANNA GO.

"Okay Paige you need to get it together" I think to myself...

Sorry about that. I really don't know the age range of my readers ( which is something I probably should) but I do know that I wanted to put this out there and answer any dying questions you might have about starting middle school! As an incoming freshman, I have three years of middle school under my belt so I believe ( hopefully) that I have some good advice.

  1. Middle School is really what you make of it. The biggest fear for most people is switching classes and at first it can be kind of scary, but like all things you find your rhythm and you will be able to navigate the halls pretty well. As an incoming six grader you're teachers understand that the transition from elementary school to middle school is a huge one, so they will understand if you get lost.
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you don't understand something, nobody is going to judge you for asking for help. And besides you have a right to an education, so if you feel that  your not quite getting the lesson you cannot hesitate to ask questions.
  3. Form a good solid group of friends. I really didn't get a good solid group of friends until eighth grade, but it's always nice to have friends to support you through any drama that might occur. And trust me there will be drama. But again it's what you make of it. If you dwell and fight fire with fire, the problem will just get worse. 
  4. I remember if anybody cursed in elementary school, they would be looked down apon. Well in middle school people automatically think that you have the green light. As a girl I have to say , it sounds super trashy when girls curse or cuse. You have such a pretty face, why ruin that with dirty words!
  5. Don't try to be older than you are. Embrace being young! Don't wear a heaping amount of makeup. 
  6. There will most likely be school dances. Every school is different but for my school we did not dress up for them. It was more of an after school night club atmosphere. Others schools might be different so ask around and see what everyone else is going to wear. Also just to put it out there, a dance is always better when you go with a large group of friends. The only dance I ever dressed up for was my eighth grade formal. I went with my best friends because " Who needs boys ;) " 

7. You definitely get more homework than in elementary school but you get used to it. Always keep a planner of when everything is due so you don't forget. TIP: Personalize your planner so that your proud of it and you will use it more.

8.  Be social . Middle is a great time to establish your social skills. Everyone is in the same boat. Your all going to be shy at first but someone always has to make the first move right. And trust me the more times you practice talking to and having a small conversation with someone, the better and more confident you will be at it. And who know maybe that person could turn out to be your best friend.

9. You are going to get bad grades. Its so hard to adjust to the different style of teaching in middle school. There will be times were you are going to fall short. Establish some good study habits and it will make your grades improve. 

10. Above all just be yourself. This sounds so cliche, but its absolutely true. If you're true to yourself people will respect you so much more. DO NOT CHANGE for anybody. Let your imagination run wild !

<3 Stay Fabulous <3
Be Sure to follow these two gals on instagram! What grade are you going into this year? Click the title of this post then comment down below!

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