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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Morning Time Savers!

PUGG Wall clock IKEA

When the school year rolls around it can be hard to switch gears. You've just spent two and a half months #Vamping and sleeping in until noon. This can cause you to get a little crazy in the mornings. I mean in what world is it right to wake up every morning at six o’clock. Well I’m here to help ease some of that tension & craziness! I've compiled a list of  5  tips to help you get ready faster so you can sleep in a little longer.

1. Pick out your outfit the night before. This eliminates the huge process it takes in the morning. You probably will not like the outfit in the morning because you’re stressed. However it probably does look good and you just have to go with it.

2.Use a BB cream instead of a normal foundation. Beauty balm or BB cream targets & does multiple things at once so you can skip some of your usual steps.

3.Shower the night before and use dry shampoo in the morning. Hot showers are tempting in the mornings but they can take forever! It’s super easy to get distracted. So just eliminate the step entirely. Plus dry shampoo adds lots of texture and volume to your hair. It’s win-win.

4.Braid your hair the night before to get beachy waves. They turn out super nice and it looks like you spent a ton of time in the morning to get ready.
-2 braids for loose waves
-4 braids for medium waves
-6 braids for tight waves

5. Pack your bag the night before. If you’re in a hurry you’re more likely to forget something.  So take your time at night at make sure you pack everything you are going to need for the day. It helps to make a list and have it in the front pocket in our bag.

<3 Stay Fabulous <3
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