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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Top 3

Half the summer if already over and I know I am shocked. It seems like all of the days have just started melting into one. In summer it can be hard to pull yourself away from the computer and do something with your life, but if you don't your going to regret it. So get off of your butt use these three things to defeat summer boredom.

1. Learn to do something you normally wouldn't have time to do. Take up an art class or learn how to sew! Find something that you always are putting of to do and go for it! You will feel accomplished and a little bit better about your summer!

2. If you happen to own a car and are old enough, go on a road trip! It doesn't have to be something extravagant. As long as you've got good friends, awesome tunes, and lots of food your set to go. Look up some fun things to do in your area or semi-close to it and take the leap.

*If it does turn out to be a flop, have all your friends over for an impromptu slumber party insted.I mean you already have the food right? You could rent a movie or just watch one on Netflix. p.S Mean Girls is back on!

3. Find some way to plug into the community! You may not realize it, but there are probably lots of projects or places in your community that are looking for volunteers. Just get down to it and pitch in! Not only are you doing something worth while, but you can also get SSL hours for your hard work ( if your still in high school).

<3 Stay Fabulous<3
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