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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Top 7: Things That Make me Happy

  1. When it’s warm outside I love to ride my bike. When that first heat wave hits in the spring, I am out on the open road loving life!
  2. When I come home to my house after a long day or from a long vacation and just breathe in the familiarity. This is probably because even though I enjoy a “ go with the flow” kind of vacation, I would prefer to  have a plan. I love to have control.
  3.  Thunderstorms at night! I absolutely hate thunderstorms in the day, but when night comes around I love falling asleep to the sound of rain and thunder.
  4. Being truly inspired. I love the feeling of being on fire for something. Just that feeling you get when you know what you’re going to do, is going to make a difference and that you’re truly passionate for what you’re doing, makes me very happy.
  5. When I find a new song that I can jam out too that’s nothing like I've ever heard before. I love hearing new sounds and exploring what my likes and dislikes are, and how they've changed over the years. For example a few years back, I was the girl obsessed with Hannah Montana J. Ah Memories...
  6. The smell of chocolate chip cookies.  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!!
  7.   Singing.  I love to sing, all the time, everywhere. I’m an auditory learner which means I learn by listening. So sometimes during class I will be humming or softly singing and not even realizing it.
I would love to hear what makes you happy, feel free to comment down below!

<3 Stay Fabulous<3
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