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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Top 8

  1. If you run out of eyeliner and you need some fast take a thin angled brush called a “liner brush’ and use your mascara instead!
  2. Terrible at staying in the lines when it comes to painting your nail? You can take some tape, not duct tape though, and outline your nails. Then just go crazy because when you pull the tape off you will have fabulously clean fingers. However wait until the polish is completely dry or you could ruin all your hard work.   o   Another option would be to use lip balm!
  3. Stay Put Trick: After applying lipstick press a tissue to your lips and dust over it with translucent powder. This will put your lips on lock-down!
  4. For the perfect winged eye liner take a piece of tape and angle it up from your lower lash line. This will be the guide line for the wing.
  5. Run out of shaving cream? I a pinch use conditioner instead! It is soft and silky like shaving cream and it will cut down the number of items you have to take while traveling.
  6. No one likes lipstick on their teeth! So next time you apply lipstick stick your index finger in your mouth , close you lips tightly, and pull it out. This will wipe away the excess from the part of your lips that would stain you lips. But please, wash your hands first. You can’t be fabulous if you’re sick!
  7. Your eye-lash curler works best when it’s heated. So before you curl your eyelashes blast it for a couple seconds with a hairdryer. You can also stick it in your bra/ between your thighs while doing the rest of your makeup.
  8. It’s good to invest in a nice dry-shampoo however if you’re in a pinch, sprinkle a light dusting of baby powder directly to the roots of your hair and comb it through. Make sure that you can’t see any of the flakes though!
<3 Stay Fabulous <3
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