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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Top 4

1.  Hairspray. At one point people thought that hair spray would help set your makeup. This is not true. Hairspray contains ingredients that will dry out your skin, such as lacquers and alcohol. Some hairsprays also have repellents in them that could possibly irritate your skin.

2.  Body Lotion. Body Lotions are normally thicker than regular face lotions you would use only on your face. Also most body lotions include fragrances that could irritate your skin. The skin on your face is less dense than the skin on your body, so it's best to use gentler ingredients.

3. Deodorant. Even though deodorant  is the master of  perspiration control under your arms, it doesn't work on your face. Deodorant will suffocate your face because it's more of a shield. If you want to keep your makeup all day use a primer instead.

4. Nail Polish. Halloween is a fun time to put on a colorful mask, but it's better to use face paint then Nail Polish! DON'T EVER PUT NAIL POLISH ANYWHERE BUT YOUR NAILS!

<3 Stay Fabulous <3
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